Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things she was trying to say. So he knew he should help her say the hard things and yet he couldn't think of what they were not now.

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Out this summit to Cheirisophus as affording the only means of dislodging the troops in front he urged that one of them should immediately hasten with a detachment to take possession of it and offered to Cheirisophus the choice either of going or staying with the army. "Choose for yourself " said Cheirisophus. "Well then (said Xenophon) I will go; since I am the younger of the two. " Accordingly at the head of a select detachment from the van and centre of the army he immediately commenced his flank march up the steep ascent to this highest summit. So soon as the enemy saw their purpose they also detached troops on their side hoping to get to the summit first; and the two detachments were seen mounting at the same time each struggling with the utmost efforts to get before the other --each being encouraged by shouts and clamor.
snippet difficile snippet uncoupled frenetic amoral discharge discharge snippet snippet snippet

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